The Transformation ministry seeks to reach, restore and empower people with the gospel of Jesus, producing transformation and cultural reformation in societies and nations.

We love our neighbors in practical ways, with sociocultural activities and events based on Christian values through our NGO, Cien por Cien Vida (100% Life).

Throughout the year, we organize various events with our neighbors, such as Christmas in El Saucar (our neighborhood), English camps for kids, and in the fall we celebrate the harvest and the goodness of God with local families.

We work together with other organisations, such as the local homeless shelter, to attend to the needs of the most vulnerable people in society. We offer exercise classes, art and a listening ear to come alongside the people who attend.

Periodically, we organize international cooperation trips to India and Uganda where we preach the gospel and minister to the felt needs of the communities we visit.

We not only want to mitigate physical needs through our food bank; we also want to provide emotional and spiritual support in the difficult times we are facing.

In March each year we hold our Voice for the Voiceless DTS (V4V DTS); five months of training in discipleship and evangelism, with a focus on social justice. Students work directly with our NGO Cien por Cien Vida helping with English classes, recreational activities, visiting a center for homeless people or distributing food and basic essentials to the needy. We visit other locations within Spain and also travel regularly to countries such as India, Uganda or Portugal.